The third in our series of The Players desktop wallpapers is now available for download HERE!  This is Alex Puccio bouldering Dead Serious (v10) in Hueco Tanks, Texas. This photo was originally shot by Andy Mann, while shooting for our film The PlayersMarc Russo adapted the image to the grafiti style for the inside DVD packaging art. Then I addapted this art into the wallpaper! Be sure to check out Alex Puccio’s segment in The Players. I shot Alex as she crushed Trice V12 on Flagstaff Mountain, Colorado.  We then followed her on a quick one week trip to Hueco, where she did numerous V10’s, including Dead Serious and Power of Silence! Alex also put a really strong effort into Slashface V13, doing all the moves except for one! Help support our productions and pick up your copy of The Players today at
